A list of 30 of my favorite meaningful quotes from movies and why I like them. Some spoilers. Enjoy!

Movie: 13 Going On 30
Screenwriter: Josh Goldsmith, Cathy Yuspa
Why I Like It: In a coming of age film where a 13 year old girl who yearns to be "thirty, flirty, and thriving" suddenly awakens to find herself 30 years old, this quote is a perfect summation of what Jenna learns about trying to grow up too fast.

Movie: The Longest Ride
Screenwriter: Craig Bolotin
Why I Like It: it's a sad truth about relationships in life.

Movie: The Truman Show
Screenwriter: Andrew Niccol
Why I Like It: this movie is one big psychological experiment and this statement is the conclusion to the director's findings.

Movie: The Edge of Seventeen
Screenwriter: Kelly Fremon Craig
Why I Like It: it's an incredibly self-aware quote about how we as humans tend to keep a victim mentality, as if this is what will set us apart from others.

Movie: What To Expect When You're Expecting
Screenwriter: Shauna Cross, Heather Hach
Why I Like It: it's a hilarious but truthful quote about parenthood and I love that he says it so cheerfully- he's not complaining. He loves fatherhood! He's simply stating the truth about it.

Movie: Sky High
Screenwriter: Paul Hernandez, Bob Schooley, Mark McCorkle
Why I Like It: this is during a scene where these freshmen with superpowers are being sorted into either the "hero" category or the "sidekick" for the rest of their superhero career. The whole movie is a great metaphor for the social dichotomies of high school and this quote displays that theme perfectly.

Movie: Gifted
Screenwriter: Tom Flynn
Why I Like It: it's a great quote by Frank to Mary that advises her to grow in her intelligence yet encourages her to continue being a child. It perfectly showcases his side in the court case. (P.S. this is one of my all-time favorite films and it's super underrated. If you haven't watched it, do so immediately).

Movie: Cinderella
Screenwriter: Chris Weitz
Why I Like It: this is an extremely scary but wonderful truth about relationships- that moment when you show you're true self to your partner. And I love how Kit is just as in love with the servant side of Cinderella as he is with the beautiful princess.

Movie: Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2
Screenwriter: James Gunn
Why I Like It: it's true, most of Drax's quotes to Mantis are horribly (but hilariously) mean. He is a completely literal and blunt creature and says what he thinks. But there's just something about him truthfully acknowledging how he finds Mantis ugly and sees that as a beautiful thing pertaining to love.

Movie: Citizen Kane
Screenwriter: Herman J. Mankiewicz, Orson Welles
Why I Like It: two very different people with no close relationships for two very different reasons who find solace in each other.

Movie: Ever After
Screenwriter: Susannah Grant, Andy Tennant, Rick Parks
Why I Like It: there are so many beautiful lines from this movie that it was hard to choose just one. But I chose this one because it is such a simple yet meaningful quote about love. (This is another underrated movie that is one of my all-time favorites).

Movie: Holes
Screenwriter: Louis Sachar
Why I Like It: at this point in the film, we know that the real villains are the ones who were in authority over these imprisoned teens. I love this satirical comment X-Ray makes about those types of people in the "real world" and how these teens are perceived by them.

Movie: A Knight's Tale
Screenwriter: Brian Helgeland
Why I Like It: okay, okay this is my last time promoting a film but if I could get just one person who is reading this post to watch A Knight's Tale I would call this a success. I LOVE this film and I LOVE this quote because it accurately sums up the parallel between Edward and William. One a prince, one a peasant, both hiding their identities and masquerading as knights. However, because of his status, William is the one who ends up in the stocks once he is found out. And because of his status, Edward is the one to knight him and set him free.

Movie: Casablanca
Screenwriter: Julius J. Epstein, Philip G. Epstein, Howard Koch
Why I Like It: it showcases the cruel irony that fate has in this film with Ilsa's arrival in Ricky's bar, in the middle of Casablanca.

Movie: Hook
Screenwriter: James V. Hart, Malia Scotch Marmo
Why I Like It: when he arrives in Neverland, Peter is nothing like the Peter Pan the lost boys have loved and known. It isn't just his age- everything about his attitude says "bitter adult". When Pockets, the lost boy above, walks around "examining" Peter, he realizes that all that's missing is a smile.

Movie: Princess Diaries
Screenwriter: Gina Wendkos
Why I Like It: this letter from Mia's father is so profound and I love that it helps her to find the courage in becoming princess of Genovia.

Movie: Black Panther
Screenwriter: Ryan Coogler, Joe Robert Cole
Why I Like It: one of the most powerful lines I've ever heard in a death scene, or any Marvel film really.

Movie: Jumanji: Welcome to the Jungle
Screenwriter: Chris McKenna, Erik Sommers, Scott Rosenberg, Jeff Pinkner
Why I Like It: it retains the theme from the original Jumanji movie about standing up against your fears. I loved the video game analogy and how Fridge is helping Spencer to realize that he can be just as brave with his "one life" as he can in any video game.

Movie: The Polar Express
Screenwriter: Robert Zemeckis, William Broyles Jr.
Why I Like It: a line from a classic children's movie that can be learned at any age about the magic around us in life

Movie: Inglorious Basterds
Screenwriter: Quentin Tarantino
Why I Like It: what a truly elegant and British way to face your death.

Movie: The Guardian
Screenwriter: Ron L. Brinkerhoff
Why I Like It: it's a lovely point of view on getting old as compared to most of the negative perspectives on age seen so much in films.

Movie: The Breakfast Club
Screenwriter: John Hughes
Why I Like It: it accurately sums up the theme of the film and the message these teens learn about each other.

Movie: Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End
Screenwriter: Ted Elliott, Terry Rossio
Why I Like It: Elizabeth Swann is one of my favorite fictional characters and this scene is the culmination of her character arc as Pirate King. It's also extremely motivating and makes me feel like I can fight a bunch of pirates with a sword. (check out my Character Study of Elizabeth Swann on this blog!)

Movie: Midnight in Paris
Screenwriter: Woody Allen
Why I Like It: the feeling of never being satisfied and always desiring more, even just a little bit, put into words.

Movie: Once Upon A Time in Hollywood
Screenwriter: Quentin Tarantino
Why I Like It: much like most of Tarantino's writing, this line is able to sound bitter, comedic, and sentimental all at once.

Movie: Alice in Wonderland
Screenwriter: Linda Woolverton
Why I Like It: accurately depicts the wonders of Wonderland- things (like killing a jabberwalky) are only impossible if you believe them to be.

Movie: JoJo Rabbit
Screenwriter: Taika Waititi
Why I Like It: a direct contrast to his opening monologue when he wanted to be a Nazi. This line also shows that he is now stepping into his parents shoes in "doing what he can" to help a Jewish girl.

Movie: Fantastic Mr. Fox
Screenwriter: Wes Anderson, Noah Baumbach
Why I Like It: shows us why Mr. Fox is, in fact, so fantastic.

Movie: Remember The Titans
Screenwriter: Gregory Allen Howard
Why I Like It: the relationship between these two is one of the most layered and developed male friendships that I've ever seen in film. This line is beautiful to show how two high school boys rejected the racism of their time and accepted each other as a brother.

Movie: Robin Hood
Screenwriter: Larry Clemmons
Why I Like It: I like this line but I'll be honest, if I wasn't making this post in 2020, I might not have added it. Or it at least would not have had as much meaning to me as it does right now. But it's a simple and lovely quote about hope for a brighter future.
What's your favorite meaningful quote from a movie? Leave an an answer in the comments below!